Monday, March 18, 2013

Les Mis

I recently watched the movie "Les Mis".  I am a musical lover from the classics such as Sound of Music to the more recent like Phantom of the Opera.  I enjoyed the movie portrayal of the amazing play, "Les Mis."  I had recently saw the play version in Cedar City, UT at the Shakespearian Festival.  While the movie was good, it still did not exceed the play.  The singing in the play was a lot better.  In the movies defense, I did think that all of the movie actors did a relatively good job in singing considering the powerful acting they each did.  Overall, I loved the movie but the play was still better!


Women Speak Out!

In my Media and Human Development class we watched an intriguing documentary called Miss Representation.  It discussed all of the gender stereotypes about women and how, in consequence, they have influenced women's opportunities in society.  I was astounded by all of this information.  THe documentary gave me a whole new perspective on what it is to be a woman.  One area that particularly stood out to me was how we as women perpetuate the stereotypes about ourselves.  The video explained how women are constantly judged by other women about their appearance.  I realized that I am guilty of this and have now started to change my attitude toward my fellow women.  If you have any passion towards change is society for women please watch this.     

Humor U

I am always amazed at how many fun clubs and activities BYU facilitates on campus.  This past weekend I went with a friend to Humor U.  If you have never been before it is a club where students perform stand-up comedy routines.  The best part about it is all of the jokes are clean.  They even poke at LDS culture which was very entertaining.  The jokes vary from one lady who made jokes about her pregnancy to one man poking fun at how girls think everything is cuter in miniature form.  Overall, I was thoroughly entertained and was impressed at how funny people can still be without using crude humor. 

Downton Abbey

I finally suckered in and gave Downton Abbey a shot.  I am now obsessed.  I love the intense drama and the historical setting.  The only problem now is that netflix only has one season.  I would recommend Downton Abbey to anyone who is a fan of Pride & Prejudice or Sense & Sensibility.  This show has the same general feel as those two movies.